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Never Fail Sponge Cake


Ingredient Quantity Unit
yolks of eggs 4.0
sugar 1.0 cup
boiling water 4.0 tablespoons
salt 1.0 pinch
flour 1.0 cup
vanilla 1.0 teaspoon
whites of eggs 4.0
cream of tartar 0.25 teaspoon


  1. Beat yolks of 4 eggs, beaten ten minutes.

  2. Sift 1 cup of sugar; add gradually to yolks and beat.

  3. Add 4 tablespoons boiling water, pinch of salt, 1 cup flour sifted five times, and 1 teaspoon vanilla.

  4. Beat whites of 4 eggs a little, then add 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar and beat until dry.

  5. Fold whites in last.

  6. Bake in a Van Deusen's cake tin fifty or sixty minutes.

  7. Light oven when ready to place cake in oven and gradually add heat.

Recipe by: Mrs. Lillian Schmidt

Source: Original Recipes of Good Things to Eat page 111